The ever popular show Sesame Street will soon be having its Indian version, titled Galli Galli Sim Sim on Cartoon Network and POGO. Aimed at pre-school kids, it has managed to rope in a number of Bollywood celebs. Some of the personalities include Amjad Ali Khan, Rahul Bose, Sivamani, Neha Dhupia and Daler Mehndi. The production of the show has already begun in Noida. Galli Galli Sim Sim is home to four lovable muppets, namely Chamki, Aanchoo, Googly and Boombah. The show features a special segment wherein the celebrity guest interacts with the human cast and muppet characters to inculcate basic life skills in children through a joyful learning experience.
Actor Rahul Bose shot a segment with the adorable muppet Googly, which highlights the importance of participation among children. While shooting, the duo emphasized on the message that it is not about winning or losing a game, but the enjoyment that one gets by participating which matters the most.
Actress Neha Dhupia along with Aanchoo shot a segment imparting skills like interdependence and caring. Chamki and Googly learnt the meaning of 'in the middle' as they played a game with Punjabi pop singer Daler Mehndi. Ace percussionist, Sivamani shot a segment with Googly and human cast Jugaadu, which will communicate the importance of social relations to help learn higher skills. Sivamani also shared the basics of learning drums with the characters on the sets.
The Hollywood version of the show has featured the likes of Julia Roberts, Shirley Jones, Robert De Niro and Chris Reeves.
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